
Patrons in good standing can use any of the Library’s desktop computers or connect to our WiFi network.

The computers are free for everyone to use. Computers are available on a first come/first serve basis. Use will be limited to sixty minutes if others are waiting. Patrons may use a library card to log on or ask for a visitor pass.

The Library offers wireless networking to visitors FREE of charge. This service connects your laptop or other wireless-enabled device to the Internet through the Library’s network. To access the Internet, simply launch your web browser and accept the library policy OR go to your network settings and select the “West Hurley Library Wireless” and accept the library policy.

Print Out/Photocopy

The first five b/w printouts are free. After that b/w copies cost $.15 each. All color copies are $.25 each. Copies must be prepaid at the desk. No refunds for unmade copies will be offered on guest passes. Balances will accrue on library cards for future use.

You may use the copier. Copies are $.15 per page for b/w and $.25 per page for color. There are no free copies.


You may scan to a staff computer and staff will either copy to a flash drive or email to you. Scans cost $1.00 for each scan job.


Faxing will be done by staff at the front desk. Outgoing charges are $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each successive page. Incoming faxes cost $.50 per page. International faxes may include additional charges. Cover pages are free.

Technology Policies

Our electronic service policies are listed here.